Friday, March 19, 2010

Three years on...

Who said that writing a blog would be easy?

Well admitedly it has been because I wrote my first post and disapeared off into the sunset for three years :-) So what has happened. Well I am still loving this roller coaster ride that life has turned out to be since giving up the comfort and security of a 9-5 that stopped challenging me many years ago. I've discovered a passion for living that had been so absent in the robotic meandering from one day to the next very similar day.

The exhilaration and fear sometimes come in equal measures when you are not 100% sure exactly how you are going to fund your life and lifestyle. You see having been a pack runner for so long standing in isolation watching your herd shake their heads in disaproval has a way of undermining your confidence. Having done this now for 3 years (done what exactly?) has given me a steadfast belief that this is the right path and no amount of head shaking can change that.

So am I still travailing light?
Even more so now than ever. I have to admit that 3 years ago when I made my last entry in this blog I thought I would easily of made my first million by now. Though all those sensei-student conversations I've tuned into should have made it clear that it's the journey that counts not the destination. So this waypoint can't be measured in dollar signs but it has a feeling of something much deeper and much more abiding. Each step further is more rooted, more solid, each stride more confident each time I stop or retrace my footsteps I know that the building is still cumulative.

So the really big changes?
I am engaged
I am a father
I am content
I have a plan

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